About Laurie Binder LAc, MS, RNCNP, LCCE, Doctor of Acupuncture
My passion for women's health got me started in the health care field 20 years ago and has continued to grow exponentially. I love medicine and helping women find the best therapy available.
I started my health care career as a Registered Nurse (RN), specializing in labor and delivery in a Brooklyn, NY hospital. I will never forget the absolute awe I felt after my first delivery. There is nothing that compares to the miracle of birth. From my very first experience in the delivery room, I knew I was committed to women's health.
My desire to expand my skills and be of greater value to my patients led me to move back to California and enter Harbor-UCLA to become a nurse practitioner. Practicing as a nurse practitioner was exciting, affording me new freedoms and responsibilities. However, I quickly realized I was still missing a piece of the puzzle. I had more to learn and more to give to my patients.
While I was aware of acupuncture and acupressure as a form of alternative medicine, my medical training had not included this therapy. Therefore, I didn't think about applying it to my patient's problems. My attitude changed when one of the clinics I practiced in began to hire acupuncture interns to treat patients. When my medical training failed to provide the needed relief for my patients, I started to refer them to the acupuncturists. To my surprise and delight, this alternative therapy was successful.
A year went by and I observed consistent positive results from the acupuncture treatments. Yet again, my passion for women's health motivated me to expand my studies. This time I learned Traditional Chinese Medicine and became a licensed acupuncturist. My journey has been phenomenal. Combining my Eastern studies with my Western medical training has given me an entirely new perspective on women's health care.
My quest for knowledge has truly enriched my life and those under my care. Instead of a narrowed medical exam, my patients receive a comprehensive lifestyle evaluation. I am able to provide custom therapies and treatments through acupuncture / acupressure, herbs and traditional medicine.
I look forward to helping you on your journey to pregnancy and a calm, efficient and prepared childbirth. Learn more about me and my acupuncture practice at my Acupuncture Los Angeles website.
Dr. Laurie Binder's Qualifications:
- Doctor of Acupuncture, Licensed Acupuncturist
- Specialist in Fertility, Pregnancy and Childbirth
- Ob/Gyn Nurse Practitioner
- Labor and Delivery RN
- UCLA Certified health consultant in complementary therapies and acupressure
- Lamaze certified childbirth educator (LCCE) and teaching childbirth classes for more than 15 years
- Mother
- Laurie in the media
- Acupuncture Santa Monica website